How Is New Terminal In VS Code So Fast?

Last week, a new version (1.17) of Visual Studio Code was released. While there are many fascinating improvements and features introduced, the one that cought my eyes is “Integrated Terminal performance” section. Let’s check out what they’ve done! (written on 2017-10-12, based on Xterm.js v3, VS Code 1.17) Old Performance Issue The integrated terminal in VS Code is powered by another popular open-source project “Xterm.js”, which is currently maintained by SourceLair and community contributors....

October 12, 2017 · 13 min


本系列文視筆者心情不定期撰寫。 提升程式設計能力的途徑,不外乎一個字「寫」。而另一個重要方法,則是「讀」。我們很容易將雜亂無章的想法轉化為程式...

January 10, 2017 · 6 min